
Fiction Weave immerses you in a fictional world where your choices shape the story. Our games honor the legacy of the classic text adventure games but utilize new technology to elevate the experience.

We believe great stories come from human minds. The content of our games is written by people. Gameplay is moderated by an AI that responds to player actions and updates the game world. The result is an immersive experience with an open, natural feel. Our aim is to rejuvenate a cherished genre and broaden its appeal by removing syntactic barriers.

The Beta Period

Fiction Weave is currently in the Beta period, which means new users are awarded 300 free Weavecoins.


Our games are driven by player input. At each prompt, the player types a word or phrase in plain English, which we’ll call a command, and then presses enter.

Each command costs 4 Weavecoins except as follows:

Buying more Weavecoins

Users have the option to buy more at the following rate.

500 Weavecoins $5.00

Terms and Policies

See our terms and policies below.

Fiction Weave is a registered name of Outlandish Cat, LLC. For more informaction, contact info@fictionweave.com.